Category: Zhu Group News

Paper Acceptance

Kun’s paper “ Patternable Conjugated Polymers with Latent Hydrogen–bonding on the Main Chain” was published on Macromolecules. Congratulations!

Paper Acceptance!!

Yu-Ming’s paper “Cyclability of a Lithium–Oxygen Battery Containing N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone and a Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Cathode” was published on ChemElectroChem. Congratulations!

248th ACS National Meeting

Dr. Zhu gave an invited talk “Macro Porous Graphene from Hollow Ni Templates via Polymer Templates with Bi-continuous Structure” in 248th ACS National meeting at San Francisco

Congratulations to Lisa Wiest

Congratulations to undergraduate student Lisa Wiest who was accepted into Georgia Tech for graduate studies!!

Most Read Article

Congratulations to Tianda He! His paper published on ACS Nano has been one of the most read journals in the past month!!

Welcome Lisa Wiest

Welcome Lisa Wiest, who joined the group in May 24, 2014 as a REU student. Lisa is a student from University of Maryland at College Park.